Wednesday, May 1, 2013

VPA- Site Specific 2

Tonight on campus, the art department held a campus and community open house called "Site Specific" to show off what we do and show how we are "visual" AND "public" artists, to gain or keep support. It is a great opportunity for marketing and talking up ourselves and the department (I was surprised how many capstoners were no shows.) We had classwork on display and all the buildings were open for a sneak preview of capstone. It mostly ended up a nice social occasion to check in with my colleagues and professors but I also had the chance to chat up some new people and show my enthusiasm for my work. Shout out to Jeff Perrine, great to meet you, I hope you painted something fun and colorful when you got home. If you get me a commission nearby that you're connected to I'd be happy to have you come add your touch!!

Here is a photo of the school president checking out my exhibit. It was very exciting to watch people gather around the bright and shiny butterfly dress!

In case anyone missed it, this painting of the butterfly dancer is designed specifically to go on the wall outside the dressing room at the Butterfly Boutique dress shop in Seaside. It is on a special mural canvas that I will take down and paste up in the shop after graduation. The wisteria flowers and lavender wall match the color of the wall in the shop now.

I have all of the meticulous little details that are a drag to finish left at this point but I am thrilled with my progress and I can't wait until its all together and on display!!

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