Thursday, February 28, 2013

National Steinbeck Center

Great News!

I am a part of a multi-fold public art project as the sole artist!! I am super excited!

The National Steinbeck Center contacted VPA about getting a painter to decorate a piano that was donated to them with images of Steinbeck and his work. This information came to me in my Museum Studies internship course. As it turned out the piano was to be donated to a project called:
It is an international street art project that takes donated pianos, finds artists to decorate them (in a HUGE variety of ways) and stages them in communities to increase exposure to pianos.

"Located in public parks, bus shelters and train stations, outside galleries and markets and even on bridges and ferries the pianos are available for any member of the public to play and enjoy. Who plays them and how long they remain on the streets is up to each community. Many pianos are personalised and decorated by artists or the local community. By creating a place of exchange ‘Play Me, I’m Yours’ invites the public to engage with, activate and take ownership of their urban environment."

This piano will stay in front of the Steinbeck Center for the Salinas community. 

Part I:
I already had a public painting day for Steinbeck's 111th birthday celebration at the Center. I drummed up lots of interest in the piano and talked to many members of the Salinas community.
During the next week I will finish my design for the piano's display during the month of March!
Part II:
Play Me, I'm Yours!

Wish me luck!

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