Sunday, September 24, 2017

Best Souvenirs for All Your Travels

 Starting when I was quite young I wanted to collect souvenirs of my adventures. I tried many things as a child but I always found myself worried about eating or using or wasting the things that I had bought. It took me many years of travel with my family and small adventures in college But it finally occurred to me that I had stumbled upon the perfect thing along the way.
 I was able to take two trips internationally at the end of high school, I wanted to bring souvenirs for myself and for my family. The things I collected were some successful, and some terrible… For myself I still have some of the  scarves and jewelry, but for my friends and family many of the items were lackluster or soon broken, lost, forgotten. The thing that I had found along the way is I was always regretful  to have brought home edibles that would soon disappear or be wasted. I would soon change style, grow out of, or similarly use up clothing. Similarly, Knickknacks, keychains, paperweights and postcards all take up space and eventually get broken, lost, packed, disliked.  Unfortunately, my advice will resonate more with the women reading than men, although not entirely. The key to my souvenir strategy is to buy something representative, small, and most of all useful. The item  that suit my purposes perfectly allowing me to utilize and interact with my precious keepsakes, and my memories are… Earrings!
 During college I started my collection of earrings from small local adventures, fairs and festivals with family, and adventures abroad alone and with friends. I have the chance to revisit and  even to selfishly prompt questions allowing me to retell my stories by wearing this diverse collection of jewelry. They are small don't take up much space, and allow me the luxury of many, many varieties  without feeling decadent or gladness. I can wear my Venetian glass, followed by the volcanic stone from Pompeii, then the pearls I bought myself at Fourth of July with my grandmother  and all the while not feel the remorse of wasted cash items or space. I have been perpetually impressed and overjoyed by the success of this  simple strategy. Here is a small selection of my memory banks in small identical pair form:

 My methodology took a bit of time to perfect, with a couple of mistakes made along the way. I ended up with some earrings easily broken, some impractically heavy, some simply too Extreme in style. But I also have found small solutions for these items as well. See below the  Beautiful tassel adorned with the unbearably heavy African Moroccan style earrings purchased in Spain. Also the earring turn necklace when the partner was lost.  Some have had to be simplified or split into multiple pairs to tone down the colorful or over large nature. Some simply serve as decoration among the others, but that is another benefit of their size I don't mind having an extra pair or two  when I glanced through the collection to choose my look for the day.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

21% of the way to our goal!

Prices are great right now to get to Guatemala and paint a Superhero Mural for the boys at Hogar Miguel Migone Orphanage!! Don't wait too long to donate! This would be my best Valentine's Day ever if I could make both of my community projects happen on the same day by buying the plane tickets!
Donate Here

Saturday, December 6, 2014

AMDPaintings: hello, my name is Alycia:

I work with homeowners who are ready to have their home reflect who they are, who want to get rid of that eyesore they inherited – and create something New! - so you can have the house you Love actually be a place you Want to come home to.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

"A painting tailored to your tastes & ambitions will not only give life to your space. It will give your brain an invigorating environment from which to draw fresh ideas."



You are in luck this month! Christmas has come early!

I had some time free up in October to take on 2 mural projects before December.

If you or someone you know has been wanting to add a high impact statement piece to your home or business OR has ideas for a mural, let's talk!


Let's Talk - Give Me a Call!

(805)748-5537 by Friday (Oct 10)

We will set up a time to speak about what you have in mind. If a mural is a good fit for you, we will make an appointment to check out your space.

Easy as pie, and ready in time for all that delicious apple & pumpkin pie!

Remember your consultation with Alycia is totally free!
This is a limited time opportunity- next time you will be scheduling at least 2 months out. So contact Alycia today if you would like to work with her during October and November!

Sign Up for my email list to get a copy of my "Mural Ideas Exercise" page for a fun way to get ideas while avoiding "Art-Shock."

* indicates required

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A Little Color

Did you miss me?

A little splash of color close to the ceiling draws the eye up. 
Give yourself more height and interest with anything other than white, it just takes a bit to create a space instead of decorating a counter. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

But Why Be Subtle?

I love making tiny things large. 
It adds a great focal point and truly unique flare!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Monochromatic Accent

Sometimes you already have that splash of color... 
But it still might need a *POP*
A darker or lighter shade of the same color draws the eye in the direction of your design, 
and keeps your space from becoming too busy.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Long Time No See

This post is coming to you live from my upgraded iPhone! Still not my primary phone line but I'll be wifi posting socially and keeping my tech up to date much better now. 
(This photo is an exaggeration, I do need wifi for my posts to go out)

The best news of all is that I'm upgrading my networking hours by 25 hrs a week! I'm quitting one part time job to devote time to AMD Paintings. I'll be able to attend many more functions, meet more people for follow ups and maintain my own schedule. 

**If you know any students of web design or internet marketing who are interested in internships or looking for a resume project/senior project that will give solid numbers proving how much traffic and income they are capable of generating from a website and/or online networking PLEASE send them my way!**

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Adventure to a Far Away Land: Home

Sometimes all you need is a little fantasy to come home to.
This little fairytale scene will awaken your imagination, 
and allow your mind an escape. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Child like Innocence

Every artwork doesn't have to be serious.
Try an innocent treasure map in the playroom to show your love for adventure!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

The ball is rolling!

First project done! I have completed my first faux finish project in a lovely house in Solana Beach. We refinished the prefabricated cement fireplace to look more like the travertine floors. Both of the ladies I had the privilege of working for were enthusiastic and fun!

It's hard to share photos but let me tell you, I am super happy with how my first project in the area went! And I had a great time working with my new associates at Form and Function on Cedros. Even more so I am looking forward to work with the Hacienda de las Rosas! Admittedly, I get more excited with every new prospect, soon I won't even be able to contain it, I'll just giggle all the time!

It's still a while (hopefully months rather than years) until I'll be paying down my debts but at this rate, I am happy to announce, we will have a fabulous Christmas in the most beautiful city in the world! And I'm sure to learn lots at my class in September on more faux finish technique.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Pop Art: Pop Wall

Integrate your art directly on the wall, it can be bigger 
and more subtle by blending it with the wall colors.
What a fantastic use of scale and color!